Articles, Economics, Establishing Trees, Nursery
Willows and poplars are some of my absolute favorite silvopasture trees. They are cheap, easy to work with, very forgiving, propagate super simply, and give shade faster than just about anything else. While they may not have the upside of a Millwood honey locust,...
Articles, Big Picture, Establishing Trees, Planning
(Note: In the photo above, unprotected willow stakes were destroyed by white-tailed deer.) When it comes to developing silvopasture plans, there is a need for a combination of humility and critical thinking before one commits to a plan. Humility, because the list of...
Articles, Big Picture, Establishing Trees
Hey folks, I published the first edition of The Grazier’s Guide to Trees in January of 2022, exactly one year ago as I write this. In it I shared all that I knew at the time about the best practices for establishing silvopasture, focusing especially on planting...
Articles, Establishing Trees
One of the main non-negotiable expenses on a grass farm is fencing. One way or another, you’ve gotta keep the animals in. There’s a ton of different options, and all have their upsides and downsides. Treated posts are readily available, but can’t be used on...
Establishing Trees, Species Selection
Spring and fall are wonderful times to be a grass farmer. The weather is pleasant, the livestock are fat and happy, and the forages are lush. But of course, summer comes right after spring, and the lean, dry times can wipe away the memory of those beautiful lush...
Establishing Trees, Species Selection
As someone who spends a lot of time talking with farmers about planting trees, there’s a certain phrase I’ve heard more than I can count. “Why in the world would someone do that? My granddad spent years clearing the woods so we can farm.” Nice dappled shade cast by...