Advanced, Articles, Economics, Funding, Planning
For those who want to geek out on the numbers, we’ve been working on an Excel spreadsheet. The purpose of it is to reasonably and conservatively predict the value of silvopasture to a farm based on the value of shade and feed produced by the addition of trees to...
Articles, Big Picture, Planning
You all know the old saying. You can have something done well, done quickly, or done on the cheap. You can have two, but never three. While this may not hold up everywhere, it certainly does in the world of agroforestry, and offers a useful decision-making...
Articles, Big Picture, Establishing Trees, Planning
(Note: In the photo above, unprotected willow stakes were destroyed by white-tailed deer.) When it comes to developing silvopasture plans, there is a need for a combination of humility and critical thinking before one commits to a plan. Humility, because the list of...