January 2024 Nursery Update

January 2024 Nursery Update

I wrote a year ago about where we were at with propagation of improved honey locust, which you can read about here. Now I want to catch folks up on where we are with the nursery in general after another year of trials and experimentation.  Honey Locust Let’s start...
Mulberry Feed Value

Mulberry Feed Value

I never weighed any pigs at the beginning and close of the mulberry season, but think I can safely say that a pig weighing 100 pounds at the start would weigh 200 pounds at the close. … Three-fourths to the mulberries is safe calculation of the gain.  I have had...
Our Next Steps: Propagating Honey Locust

Our Next Steps: Propagating Honey Locust

Hey folks, I wanted to share with you an update on where we’re at with honey locust propagation. We’ve hit a roadblock lately with propagation, so we’re making adjustments which will delay rollout of more honeys in the near future, and if you’ve been looking forward...
Pigging out on mulberries

Pigging out on mulberries

There’s not much I like better than mulberry season. Mulberries are the first great harvest of fruit for the year, and the trees don’t hold back their bounty. A good tree will produce many gallons of sweet, juicy berries. Our little acreage will soon have no shortage...
Double (Yes, Double) Your Feed Production

Double (Yes, Double) Your Feed Production

“The tree grows in a Bermuda pasture and is always loaded in the fall with luscious fruit. The cows and hogs stand under it, always ready to devour every pod that falls. The tree is very large and very, very beautiful. The cows improve in milk and the hogs in weight...
Persimmon: Seven months of manna from heaven

Persimmon: Seven months of manna from heaven

“Hogs, cattle, cows and horses are fond of them. I couldn’t tell which likes them better. Just turn them out and they go to the persimmon tree first thing. They just love persimmons better than anything.” Dr. Lamartine Hardman, quoted in J. Russell Smith’s Tree Crops...
Seeing the forage on the trees

Seeing the forage on the trees

Spring and fall are wonderful times to be a grass farmer. The weather is pleasant, the livestock are fat and happy, and the forages are lush. But of course, summer comes right after spring, and the lean, dry times can wipe away the memory of those beautiful lush...
Honey Locust: King of Stockpiles

Honey Locust: King of Stockpiles

Talk about winter stockpile! Do you know how much forage you have stockpiled for this winter? What would you do with 2,000 extra pounds of high-energy, self-harvested feed per acre? What about 4,000lbs? What would that do to your feed bill? How would that change your...
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