The Dip

The Dip

As I’ve worked on over a dozen silvopasture projects over the last few years, guiding them all the way from plan through planting and then several years of aftercare, I’ve noticed a regular pattern. It’s a phenomenon I call “the dip”. You see, tree plantings start out...
Why we focus on trees for livestock

Why we focus on trees for livestock

[The above picture from the USGS shows the area in North America dedicated to crop production. It’s a lot.] At Trees For Graziers, we have determined to focus our attention first and foremost on the practice of silvopasture, and even more specifically on...
Our Next Steps: Propagating Honey Locust

Our Next Steps: Propagating Honey Locust

Hey folks, I wanted to share with you an update on where we’re at with honey locust propagation. We’ve hit a roadblock lately with propagation, so we’re making adjustments which will delay rollout of more honeys in the near future, and if you’ve been looking forward...
Taking fencing to new heights

Taking fencing to new heights

One of the main non-negotiable expenses on a grass farm is fencing. One way or another, you’ve gotta keep the animals in. There’s a ton of different options, and all have their upsides and downsides. Treated posts are readily available, but can’t be used on...
Pigging out on mulberries

Pigging out on mulberries

There’s not much I like better than mulberry season. Mulberries are the first great harvest of fruit for the year, and the trees don’t hold back their bounty. A good tree will produce many gallons of sweet, juicy berries. Our little acreage will soon have no shortage...
A tree crop revolution for hogs and poultry

A tree crop revolution for hogs and poultry

Let’s just say it how it is: pastured hog and poultry rearing have a big problem. Both are dependent on expensive inputs of annual feed crops, and are not yet living up to their full regenerative potential. A sort of grazing renaissance has taken place over the past...
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