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Picture a farm with ambitions to expand, to produce more food for more people, to make more money, and to employ ...

I've been very encouraged lately to see more and more conservation groups gain interest in silvopasture (in this ...

For those who want to geek out on the numbers, we've been working on an Excel spreadsheet.
The purpose of it ...

I wrote a year ago about where we were at with propagation of improved honey locust, which you can read about ...

Willows and poplars are some of my absolute favorite silvopasture trees. They are cheap, easy to work with, very ...

I never weighed any pigs at the beginning and close of the mulberry season, but think I can safely say that a pig ...
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External Resources
Annual returns on investment of 9-30% of honeylocust planted in pastures

Browse trees can reduce parasite mortality and restore land
University of Kentucky makes it clear: Having shade means higher production