Liberty Apple (4-6′)
Late Summer-Fall.
One of the best of the disease-resistant varieties, particularly in the Northeast. Somewhat similar to Macoun. Handsome medium-sized round-conic bluish-pinkish-red apple with crisp white flesh of very good dessert quality when dead ripe. Excellent cooking and sweet cider, too. Recommended for single-variety sweet cider.
Keeps till late fall. Begins fruit production at an early age, bearing consistent heavy annual crops. Naturally well-structured, sturdy tree that is easy to care for.
Considered to be 100% scab-immune, though not resistant to insects or other lesser apple diseases. Don’t let it crop too heavily at a young age. Blooms early to midseason. Climate Zone 4.
TFG apples are on standard full-sized Antonovka rootstock. Standard trees have deep, substantial—and therefore hardier— root systems. By selecting the varieties appropriate to your district, grafted on standard rootstock, you may well be planting a tree that will be picked by your grandchildren’s grandchildren. Standard trees will grow to be large, but you can manage the size with pruning. Although standard-sized apple trees may be planted as close as 10–15′ apart, they were typically planted 30′ apart in 19th-c. orchards.
(Thanks to Fedco for variety descriptions.)
For pollination timing of Liberty, see Online pollination checker for fruit trees.
Volume discounts: 1-9 trees for $48. 10-99 trees for $22. 100+ trees for $15.
Shipping: We will ship trees in March unless otherwise requested.
2 in stock