Our Mission
TFG exists to spread agroforestry, and silvopasture in particular, far and wide, while raising the quality standards for every practice we work with. We envision a future where agroforestry forms the foundation of resilient, regenerative and vibrant food systems that undergird healthy, holistic and equitable communities. We aim to have a major beneficial impact on the world and give to the next generations a world that is better because of our efforts.
We make agroforestry possible at scale by making it simple and cost-effective for farmers to implement. We do so by providing services such as education, consulting, plan writing, funding acquisition, implementation and aftercare. By doing so we take the burden of time, energy, expertise and finances off the shoulders of farmers, so they can continue to do what they do best on the farm, while learning together how to successfully integrate trees in their operation.
More diversity, resilience and profit through trees

relief for livestock
and forages

Browse and Tree crops for supplemental feed

A cold animal is a
hungry animal

Fix nitrogen and draw up nutrients
Our Services
Trees For Graziers offers comprehensive agroforestry project development to best suit our clients’ vision, context, goals, and land management practices. Although we specialize in silvopasture projects, we also design and implement forested riparian buffers, alley cropping systems, windbreaks and hedgerows.